Killing Economy??????

 Did you get a load of the article in Time's, Moneyland, by Brad Tuttle, titled "How The Newly Prudent Consumer Is Killing The Economy"?  If not, you can read it here> .  Where do I begin?  Do they really think that we "Consumers" are eager to jump right into that pan of water now that it is boiling?  If they do then they must be out of their minds.    And Mark Zandi of Moody's Analytics thinks we might be a little froze out here.  Damn right we are and we have every right and reason to be.  Corporations have lobbied and paid for the regulation/deregulation that setup this house of cards.  The financial houses led the way all the while cheerleading these profit making power houses.  Not one had a clue of what catastrophy may be ahead in the future.  And when that day arrived they cried out that they must be saved first and were.  They tossed us from that life saving boat without a line and now they are crying out for us to return because they need us to row.  Are they beginning to realize that if we don't consume, there is no recovery?  How about this realization?  JOBS..........  We need JOBS.  We need manufacturing JOBS.  We need hi tech JOBS.  We need the energy of the future JOBS.  Maybe as consumers we might have a little leverage here.  Maybe the financial sector can speak to all those job creators out there and remind them that it might be helpful if they created some of those jobs right here in the little ole US of A.  Then we "Consumers" might think about getting our feet wet again.  When a 50 yr old, hard working family person, tries to do their part and live the dream (the house, the car,the vacation and send their kids to college) and suddenly the entire economy falls apart (no fault of their own), and they lose their job, their home, their car, their family. When they see the lifeboats hit the water and the only ones saved are they ones who recklessly caused it, allowed it to happen, or saw nothing at all.  And when the fingers are pointed they all seemed aimed directly at him or her.  When all this has happened, why would you be so eager or able to jump back into the same ole game.  Don't think so.........  Bring us some real jobs and some real security and maybe we will be willing to play again.