Friday, July 26, 2019

Question #1 - If Not Now, WHEN????

If not now, WHEN???


     When is enough, enough? How long do we wait? IS impeachment the correct course or just wait in antisipation of an electorial upset to unseat this "Reality TV" Presidency. Are WE as a Nation just the natural offspring of the Wal-martinization/RealityTV mediocritization of our Country? Why is being prideful in being "trash" the standard? These questions are the ones I find occupying my thoughts of late. I look around my community and see the results of this mediocrity. It's a sad state of affairs. People who have less than nothing and more than happy to watch and assist in the fall of those around them. It is something I observed when I spent time in the South. This idea of being "above your raising" as I had heard in regards to those who sought to improve their lot in life through higher education or just moving to a part of the country where employment and educational opportunities are vast and stand to change theirs and their childrens futures for the better. These ideas have been like a virus, infecting and affecting people coast to coast. This has lead to Paralysis!


      This Paralysis has lead to our collective inability to move forward and, if anything, as a collective we have been moving in reverse. Devolving into a mass of separate tribes argueing and fighting amongst ourselves. We have become so small minded that we tend to go in circles instead of progressing forward as a connected people. As a result we have allowed ourselves to elect and be lead by people we are more concerned with having a beer with than the calliber of person needed to have the sense to know when they don't know and seek out the people who do. And worse, we sit and watch the demonization of those smart enough to know when they don't know. What is this? Jealousy? Insecurity? Or some kind of propaganda? I tend to believe the latter. We have recently learned of the coordinated efforts of those that have gained great benefit from manipulating the public mind. It matters not if it's Russia, China, N.Korea or Americans in this effort to propagandize us. The fact it is happeniing at all and the perpatrators are not only succeding but getting away with this manipulation is what is UN-American. Not your brown neighbor. Not the lesbian couple down the street. Not the muslim, jewish or non-religious. It is those that propagandize and mislead you with lies and half truths that are doing this to you. They are the ones whom have gained mightily. Not your neighbor whom in all probability has less that you. Just think about that for a moment......
Who is flourishing in this environment? Not you or me. Just think about it.


      So, where do we go from here? Number 1 first step is to get out of your bubble. LISTEN, WATCH, READ!!!  Listen to various voices. ie: radio, news, community forums.  Watch various news and documentary sources. Read different publications. ie: newspapers, books. 
Caution: I must give a caution here because we have thrown out our critical thinking capabilities. In pointing this out balance your pro and con sources on an individual subject. This is critical in coming to an educated stand on any issue. It matters not that you may concider yourself conservative or liberal. Red or blue. Republican or Democratic. What matters is your ability to discern B.S.. I have faith in my fellow citizens. In stating my faith in my fellow Americans I am going to end this with this last section about myself in hopes of you having a better understanding of where I'm coming from and know my optimizm and faith comes from an honest and sincere place. It does.


      I'm a former truck driver of roughly 25 years. I was born and raised on the west coast and never traveled until I started driving trucks. I managed to make 47 of 48 continuous continental states. What a blessing. Most of this cross country time was the last half of my career and mainly east of the Mississippi River. And may I say I learned a whole hell of alot. I learned how we all live in our bubbles. Good or bad. I also learned that regardless of that fact, we all want the same basic things. Primarily, the ability to provide for our families with a roof over our heads, food on the table, safe communities, safe schools with high educational opprtunities, good and secure jobs and health care when we fall ill or injured. This is true across our country and I might hazard to say around the globe. Some people I have had converstions with have exclaimed I must be a conservative and I have had to disappoint with a resounding NO! I have always concidered myself a social liberal and fiscal conservative and I feel that most of us fall in this lane.
In closing I would like to say, expand your bubble. Expand your childrens bubble. And lastly,
Beware of those that seek to devide us. YOU deserve better. WE deserve better.



Monday, March 13, 2017

Republican Corrosive And Damaging Arrogance

This is why voting for today's Republicans is equal to shitting on your dinner plate. They most assuredly don't give 1 fuck about "The" people, America and 99% of the world. #GetWoke #Rise #Resist

Normalization Of Hate

The "platforming" IS the normalization of the hate speech. It is part and parcel to the systemic mediocritization of societal norms and standards. We all know hate speech and racist memes just as we know what hard porn and pedophilia is. We sure don't need the nightly network news or a Bill Maher to give those voices credibility by an unquestioned national exposure. What is truly learned then and by whom. #GetWoke #RiseUp #Resist itsgoingdown

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Unexpected deaths of six Russian diplomats in four months triggers conspiracy theories | The Independent

Unexpected deaths of six Russian diplomats in four months triggers conspiracy theories | The Independent

Timeline of Russian Officials dead since November 2016.

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

James Baldwin Debates William F. Buckley (1965)

James Baldwin's words of deep contemplation and poignant observation are as timeless now as they were in that moment, proving the point that very little has changed let alone improved at this late date. On the other hand, listening carefully to the words of Buckley proves the meme that race "IS" in fact a social control construct created by the powerful and wealthy elite as a tool to maintain their status and control over the populations that they seek to extract labor, fianance and property from and thus supporting their position at the levers of power and control.

Tuesday, November 29, 2016


To Whom It May Concern
I'm mad as hell and I'm never gonna get over it. I'm not sure how long I'll be angry but I do know that I am not gonna be silent. I do know I'm not going away. I do know that nothing is ever gonna be the same. And now, in the aftermath of an f----- up election, we have at best elected a fascist and at worst a Hitler in the making. He is surrounding himself with right wing religious zealots wishing for me to observe their particular religious perspective as if theirs is the only way and white supremacists with their ultimate goal of driving away and out of the country ALL that aren't like them as if they were pure or perfect in any way. And then there are the Power Mongers of wealth, business and politics that have courted and created this shit storm. These Power Mongers have completely undermined most of the things that made "America " the best place in the world. They have destroyed the people's trust and belief in the fundamentals of government, the press and the constitution. But the thing that has me really pissed is the very people we elect to represent us have been repeatedly saying to us when we have had this or that concern is not to overreact. You're being to sensitive. Everything is just fine. You don't see the big picture. REALLY? REALLY F---ING REALLY?!?!? What the hell happened? Is this just another case of the people that are supposed to be the "professionals" could never have seen this coming? Are you kidding me? Is a college degree a license to be a complete fail. Most days I feel like I'm functioning on a parallel universe. I must say that I'm a little more than concerned because I am now being asked to accept and normalize people, policies and behavior that I was taught we could never tolerate again. We went to war and freed people that had atrocities put upon them. They were the scapegoats for all the economic, political and social ills. And we said never again. And there were trials and convictions and judgments because we said never again. America was the model for free, fair and democratic. Now? What the hell have we become? Free people want nothing to do with our country. We are viewed as a shadow of ourselves. Liars. Cheats. No care for our neighbors except what we can gain. We don't even teach our young what civil responsibility we have for each other and our communities. We have an entire segment of our population that are continually beat down economically and the very people responsible have been allowed to coral and feed them a steady diet of misinformation (lies) and then just point their finger at some completely innocent population and say "it's them" and they believe it and then proceed to go after them with such venom and hate that only deep fear of the unknown could muster.
Things do not have to be this way. We could stop this crazy train. We could have representatives and leadership that is willing to put it on the line. Be gut honest with us and tell us the truth. Tell it like it is. It seems as though we have just two factions in Washington. Those that would exploit and enslave us and those that make that possible. Where are the people's people? Where are those that rise against hate, exploitation, fascism? Where are those who stand for truth, integrity, ethics and a morality that stands for all. When you are dealing with the most dishonest, lying and corrupt then some of the standards and protocols must be set aside. I was born in 1960 so I have been around for a bit and have seen a little. What I see now is unrecognizable. What I hear now shatters my sense of decency. What I am witnessing is giving me nightmares. What I am experiencing is destroying my dreams.
Finally, all I can say is representatives represent and leadership lead. We can not go down this path silent. I am but one of many that feel this very same way. I fear for all of our futures. We are in stunned silence. We are in shock and disbelief. We are awakening to our nightmare and we are not going to remain silent and well behaved. Rise up to the occasion and show us your integrity. Give us some truth.
Mad As Hell!

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Spike's World News

Spike's World News

11-07-16 Pre-election day FREE full show/stream ~ Randi Rhodes Show Live...

Sunday, July 10, 2016

Is A Case For Race Also A Case For Class?

A Case For Race? A Case For Class?
Can we make a difference in race relations with out addressing class disparities?

These charts show the economic recovery by education level, education level by race, incarceration rates by race and deaths by police by race..  There are some very serious challenges we face and must address as a nation if we wish to bring a meaningful correction to these disparities.

Economy improving, but workforce divided - Business Insider

I have examined both of these problems with an open heart and mind and have come to the resounding conclusion that the race divide is partially, if not entirely, dependent on a dramatic correction of the ever widening class divide. As long as there exists this growing gulf of the haves and have-nots we may never have the ability to tackle anything outside of day to day struggle while we suffer our traditionally well paying jobs, being shipped off shore. While our infrastructure deteriorates. Our homes and neighborhoods transformed into investment ventures that we can not afford with our newer, low paying and no benefit jobs.

The investment class have gotten the rules to the game changed and this has set the table for unfettered infiltration into every aspect of our lives. The greed of profits over humanity is destroying the social fabric of this nation and the world at large. There are many excuses for why this has been allowed to happen. The effects are obvious and some that are far more shadowy and difficult to identify. For example: News departments had to be completely separate from the advertising/profit making side of the networks to aid in unbiased and balanced reporting. Investment banking and banks for deposits and checking had to keep separate. Investment banks had a fiduciary responsibility to act in the best interest of the client. NOT themselves. A concerted effort to degrade the institutions and social safety net that serve all equally. Putting a strangle hold on funding that support our commons. Privatizing education with charter schools and tax dollars. Privatizing a prison system. Privatizing our Interstate Highways. Our commons. It has become more and more certain that if you don't have the finances, you won't have the education, the job, the healthcare, the clean water, the unpolluted soil and air and you will not be treated equally by lawenforcement and the courts.

There is no "Mainstream Media" to investigate and inform the public on the important issues that concern our lives. Our politics is corrupted by the unregulated influence of corporations and the well-monied and "THEY" DO  corrupt and control the conversation about these issues. We know something is terribly wrong and they are more than happy to tell us who's at fault and it's not them. Do you really believe that?  Do your really believe that it's your neighbor? Or you? 

Is A Case For Race Also A Case For Class?

A Case For Race? A Case For Class?
Can we make a difference in race relations with out addressing class disparities?

These charts show the economic recovery by education level, education level by race, incarceration rates by race and deaths by police by race..  There are some very serious challenges we face and must address as a nation if we wish to bring a meaningful correction to these disparities.

Economy improving, but workforce divided - Business Insider

I have examined both of these problems with an open heart and mind and have come to the resounding conclusion that the race divide is partially, if not entirely, dependent on a dramatic correction of the ever widening class divide. As long as there exists this growing gulf of the haves and have-nots we may never have the ability to tackle anything outside of day to day struggle while we suffer our traditionally well paying jobs, being shipped off shore. While our infrastructure deteriorates. Our homes and neighborhoods transformed into investment ventures that we can not afford with our newer, low paying and no benefit jobs.

The investment class have gotten the rules to the game changed and this has set the table for unfettered infiltration into every aspect of our lives. The greed of profits over humanity is destroying the social fabric of this nation and the world at large. There are many excuses for why this has been allowed to happen. The effects are obvious and some that are far more shadowy and difficult to identify. For example: News departments had to be completely separate from the advertising/profit making side of the networks to aid in unbiased and balanced reporting. Investment banking and banks for deposits and checking had to keep separate. Investment banks had a fiduciary responsibility to act in the best interest of the client. NOT themselves. A concerted effort to degrade the institutions and social safety net that serve all equally. Putting a strangle hold on funding that support our commons. Privatizing education with charter schools and tax dollars. Privatizing a prison system. Privatizing our Interstate Highways. Our commons. It has become more and more certain that if you don't have the finances, you won't have the education, the job, the healthcare, the clean water, the unpolluted soil and air and you will not be treated equally by lawenforcement and the courts.

There is no "Mainstream Media" to investigate and inform the public on the important issues that concern our lives. Our politics is corrupted by the unregulated influence of corporations and the well-monied and "THEY" DO  corrupt and control the conversation about these issues. We know something is terribly wrong and they are more than happy to tell us who's at fault and it's not them. Do you really believe that?  Do your really believe that it's your neighbor? Or you? 

Sunday, June 26, 2016

Multiple people stabbed at Sacramento far-right rally & counter-protest — RT America

Multiple people stabbed at Sacramento far-right rally & counter-protest — RT America

The Latest: 7 Stabbed in Clash in California Capitol - ABC News

The Latest: 7 Stabbed in Clash in California Capitol - ABC News

The Associated Press

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Oil Train Explosions: A Timeline in Pictures | Sightline Institute

As the Pacific Northwest considers the impacts and influence of the Oil and Gas industry to the region, there are a few positive and many negative impacts to take into account. #OilTrains are one of these. 

Friday, September 26, 2014

Are We Ready For A Sen. Bernie Sanders For President?

Are we ready for a Sen. Bernie Sanders for President? Maybe a better question is "Do we deserve a Sen.  Bernie Sanders?". Basically, should a good, hard-working, honest, widely respected and highly experienced individual such as Sen. Sanders, accept our call to service.

Personally, I think Sen. Sanders is exactly what this country needs. The question is - Are we willing to give him the tools he will need? Will we give him a Congress that will work with him and one another? Will we give him the popular support he will need to do battle with "Big Finance" and "Global Corporatists"? Will "WE" do what needs to be done?

To Learn More:

About Sen. Sanders

Sen. Sanders Facebook

Bernie Sanders Wiki

Venture Capitalists Are Poised to ‘Disrupt’ Everything About the Education Market | The Nation

Venture Capitalists Are Poised to ‘Disrupt’ Everything About the Education Market | The Nation

As Eric Hippeau, a partner with Lerer Ventures, the venture capital firm behind viral entertainment company BuzzFeed and several education start-ups, has argued, despite the opposition of “unions, public school bureaucracies, and parents,” the “education market is ripe for disruption.”

Story of the Day: Education Entrepreneurs Set to Disrupt Our Schools for Their Profit | Diane Ravitch's blog

Story of the Day: Education Entrepreneurs Set to Disrupt Our Schools for Their Profit | Diane Ravitch's blog

22 maps and charts that will surprise you - Vox

22 maps and charts that will surprise you - Vox

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Tiny Home Communities - Answer to homelessness? Maybe......

Over the past decade tiny houses have been popping up all over the country. Showing up in many forms from oversized wooden sheds to more sleek and modern styles constructed of recycled materials, complete with solar panels, rain/grey water collection and composting toilets.
Pricing seems to range from roughly $10K unfinished to $60K with all the bells and whistles. If you are good with tools and can follow directions, you can get DIY Plans for $500 and another $20K for materials. Generally, square footage ranges from 100sf to 400sf..

Todays answer to the McMansions of the 90's? So it would seem.

After the financial crash of 2008, housing forclosures, evaporating credit availability, and hard-working people watching their benefits, wages, jobs and retirements disappear, reality has set in. For some that bitter reality has left them sleeping in their cars or make shift shelters in a tent city or worse. Those lucky enough to find employment once again have also found themselves making far less. And that less not going near as far with the rise in prices of goods and services of all kinds.
Another reality is climate change. Another is natural resourses. The real cost of energy in treasure and security. I could go on but that debate is for another story on another day. We all know that we must start doing things in a different way and "Tiny Homes" is a pretty good place to start.

Sunday, September 21, 2014

When Is Treason Called Treason?

When Is Treason Called Treason?


In my lifetime there have been several instances of what would appear to be treasonist acts, by high Officials in our govenment, that have gone un-charged, un-investigated and un-punished. Going behind the back of any President and brokering deals with enemies and those to be deemed "bad actors" in "HOT" environments would seem to be worthy of, at minimum, a hearing or investigation.
The lack of attention these matters get in the Corporate Media is absolutely stunning. Who is looking out for this country? What do we have to do to get some action? Should this be called a "Conspiracy"?  Conspiracy of silence? And if that is in-deed what this is, how can we say "NO MORE" and demand - no, require justice. This is a conversation that must be had or we will continue to devolve into a "Banana Republic" we have for so long ridiculed.

University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Fraternity Suspended, Investigated for Date Rape Plot

University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Fraternity Suspended, Investigated for Date Rape Plot

Many women who attended the party had the red X's on their hands, leading authorities to believe that they were part of a color-coded and premeditated plan to target certain individuals for possible date rape.

MHP: If ‘angry white man’ was a caricature | MSNBC

MHP: If ‘angry white man’ was a caricature | MSNBC

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Calling for a Solution as Big as the Crisis We Face | Acronym TV

Calling for a Solution as Big as the Crisis We Face | Acronym TV


Interview with Timeka Drew of Global Climate Convergence by Dennis Trainor,Jr.

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Koch foundation proposal to college: Teach our curriculum, get millions | Center for Public Integrity

Koch foundation proposal to college: Teach our curriculum, get millions | Center for Public Integrity

Benson concluded, “If we are not willing to hire such faculty, they are not willing to fund us.”
While the documents are seven years old - they offer rare insight into how Koch’s philanthropic operation prods academics to preach a free market gospel in exchange for cash.

Spike on Twitter: "Consumer Price Index - 1967-2014"

Spike on Twitter: "Consumer Price Index - 1967-2014

Unemployment Rate 2014

Employment Statistics January 2009 - December 2013

Manufacturing Losses and Gains from 1960-2012

Graphic: Chart from the Bureau of Labor Statistics

Job Losses and Gains From Bush Thru Obama

Just a quick look at the destruction to the job market during the previous administration and their lack of leadership and the result of "Real Leadership" through the financial crash and Republican obstruction thru the "Do Nothing Congress". Just imagine where we could be with just a little cooperation.

We can change this. Your vote to remove the obstuctionist will make all the difference. Make them hear your voice thru your vote in 2014. We can't change the damage done but we can make sure it doesn't happen again. #UrVote

The Real Threats To America's Security Are Conservatives Within Our Borders

The Real Threats To America's Security Are Conservatives Within Our Borders

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Retired miner: Capito is no friend of coal

Retired miner: Capito is no friend of coal

Posted: Saturday, August 30, 2014 3:00 am

My opinion, a coal miner would have to be ignorant to vote for Shelley Moore Capito. She has had several chances to speak for coal use and coal-related jobs but refused.
She may speak against the proposed EPA regulations in her political ads, but when she was invited to a meeting with President Obama to speak for coal use and against the regulations, she showed her true colors and said “No,” knowing Obama is the one person that could put a stop to any regulation the EPA has in store for coal.
When she had the chance to speak out for a cure to a problem of coal, she not only refused, but joined other Republicans and blocked others from speaking. I am speaking about the problem of no steel being made. Two large coal companies made the statement in the Beckley paper that no steel being made is one reason they will be laying off miners.
That problem could have been cured, but the Republican-controlled House, Shelley Moore Capito being one of them, said “No,” that cure was the Democrat bill for fixing our roads, the repairing or replacing the thousands of bridges labeled unsafe and the miles of our worn out rail system. This would require million tons of steel to be made and many more million tons of coal and in the process create many jobs.
But Capito and the Republican-controlled House would not allow the bill be debated or voted on.
All of what I have said has a record that can and should be checked. It will open eyes to the truth that Rep. Shelley Moore Capito is no friend of coal miners.
Not long ago, Rep. Capito made a statement of basing her votes on the needs of the people of West Virginia. We would have to be a state full of sick people to think she has kept that promise when it comes to coal and coal related jobs.
I am one retired coal miner who will be voting Natalie Tennant, and I feel any who take a honest look at Rep. Capito’s record will be convinced to do the same.

Credit: Register Herald

Why Obama retreated on immigration - Carrie Budoff Brown -

Why Obama retreated on immigration - Carrie Budoff Brown - POLITICO

Dems showing once again how they stand for nothing but their own political survival. Moves like this are why your voters don't turn out. Explain to us exactly why we should vote for these fools.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

New Research Shows We're Nearing Collapse

New Research Shows We're Nearing Collapse
It doesn’t belong there. Research from the University of Melbourne has found the book’s forecasts are accurate, 40 years on. If we continue to track in line with the book’s scenario, expect the early stages of global collapse to start appearing soon.”
“Four decades after the book was published, Limit to Growth’s forecasts have been vindicated by new Australian research. Expect the early stages of global collapse to start appearing soon.”
Posted by Dave Gardner on Thursday, 04 September 2014 in Wall of Fame

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

VIDEO: Journalist Roughed Up And Removed From Georgia GOP Event

VIDEO: Journalist Roughed Up And Removed From Georgia GOP Event

"I've been real nice, now you're going to jail for resisting arrest if you do not stop," the official said. By then, the sheriff's official had Tisdale with her hands behind her back pressed against a desk. He never identified himself in the video. Another man could be heard saying, "Will you please stop ma'am? We've asked you multiple times."

Sunday, August 31, 2014

USDOJ: Three Former Financial Services Executives Convicted for Roles in Conspiracies Involving Investment Contracts for the Proceeds of Municipal Bonds

USDOJ: Three Former Financial Services Executives Convicted for Roles in Conspiracies Involving Investment Contracts for the Proceeds of Municipal Bonds

“Fundamentally, this case is about fraud in the investment of public money,” said Janice K. Fedarcyk, Assistant Director in Charge of the FBI in New York. “The actions of the defendants denied public entities the benefits of true competitive bidding, and artificially depressed the yield on invested public funds.”

Chief in $800M fraud gets 20 years prison - Yahoo Finance

Chief in $800M fraud gets 20 years prison - Yahoo Finance

"My understanding is that most of the time, on the major decisions, it was you making the decisions," Scola said. "It's clear that you were the mastermind of the criminal enterprise."

Pot shops shunned by banks haul in the cash

Pot shops shunned by banks haul in the cash

"The media was saying it was a green light,'' said Jenifer Waller, a Colorado Bankers Association senior vice president. "We said, 'No, it continues to be a very solid red light; not even yellow, to be honest.'"

Saturday, August 30, 2014

How big telecom smothers city-run broadband | Center for Public Integrity

How big telecom smothers city-run broadband | Center for Public Integrity
A perfect example of how Corporations keep a strangle hold on the public, giving no ground, while choosing who will benefit from their wares. REALLY?????? Who's country is it anyways?

"Tullahoma is just one battlefront in a nationwide war that the telecommunications giants are fighting against the spread of municipal broadband networks. For more than a decade, AT&T, Comcast, Time Warner Cable Inc., and CenturyLink Inc. have spent millions of dollars to lobby state legislatures, influence state elections and buy research to try to stop the spread of public Internet services that often offer faster speeds at cheaper rates."

Plundering the Planet: Rigged Corporate "Free Trade Partnerships" and "Climate Change Agreements"

Plundering the Planet: Rigged Corporate "Free Trade Partnerships" and "Climate Change Agreements"

Sunday, August 24, 2014

SEE SOMETHING - FILM SOMETHING!!!!! It's your right to film the police.


Thursday, August 21, 2014

Powell Shooting (Cell Phone Camera)

This is the face of the institutional and cultural racism that exists across this nation. Had he been a white guy would the out come have been different? I think so. The levels of wrong in this incident are many. Where do we start. Poorly trained officers. Highly militarized. The steady drum beat of fear mongering.

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Monday, July 21, 2014

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Hundreds in Detroit Protest Over Move to Shut Off Water -

Hundreds in Detroit Protest Over Move to Shut Off Water -

DETROIT — At least 300 demonstrators marched through downtown streets on Friday, protesting a move by the city’s Water Department to force tens of thousands of delinquent customers to pay up or face a cutoff in service. From the Cobo Center to Hart Plaza on the banks of the Detroit River, protesters chanted, “Fight, fight; water is a human right.” Others carried placards that read “Thirsty for Justice.”

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Spike's World News

Spike's World News

The Children From South America

The kids are assigned to living areas separated by tall chain-linked fences and segregrated by age and gender.
(AP photo/Donald E. King)
                                                 Click Here for Slide Show

Just in case you may find yourself curious about how we are taking care of these children, sent by their parents to America for safety and opportunity, escaping the poverty and violence of their home countries. Take a good look. Is this environment good enough for your children? Something to think about......

Saturday, July 5, 2014

How the Supreme Court
Changed America This Year - POLITICO Magazine - POLITICO Magazine

How the Supreme Court<br/> Changed America This Year - POLITICO Magazine - POLITICO Magazine

The Right's Push to Deny Birth Control Is All About Controlling Women

The Right's Push to Deny Birth Control Is All About Controlling Women
"The nature of oppression, the most subtle effect of oppression, is what it does to your mind, what it does to the way you think about yourself." James Baldwin 

As anyone that has been following me can see, it has been quite some time since my last post.  I took a break as life sometimes directs and demands your attentions elsewhere. But now I find I can no longer remain silently standing on the sidelines watching as our society takes a backward leap into the dark ages. As a woman, as a lesbian, as a hard working american how can I remain idle as other's seek to trample on my "God" given right over my body and my ability to pursue my happiness. I must say that I find myself quite disturbed by the notion that a small "religious sect" would have "Supreme" dominion over my body and the Supreme Court over all the people of this nation supporting this oppression of a few over the many.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Daily Kos: The dominoes are falling

Daily Kos: The dominoes are falling:

'via Blog this'

Craig Loses Major Battle in Fight with FEC

Craig Loses Major Battle in Fight with FEC:

'via Blog this'