Sunday, September 21, 2014

When Is Treason Called Treason?

When Is Treason Called Treason?


In my lifetime there have been several instances of what would appear to be treasonist acts, by high Officials in our govenment, that have gone un-charged, un-investigated and un-punished. Going behind the back of any President and brokering deals with enemies and those to be deemed "bad actors" in "HOT" environments would seem to be worthy of, at minimum, a hearing or investigation.
The lack of attention these matters get in the Corporate Media is absolutely stunning. Who is looking out for this country? What do we have to do to get some action? Should this be called a "Conspiracy"?  Conspiracy of silence? And if that is in-deed what this is, how can we say "NO MORE" and demand - no, require justice. This is a conversation that must be had or we will continue to devolve into a "Banana Republic" we have for so long ridiculed.