The purpose of this site and any linked Spike, lilspike and Brenda sites are to inform, enlighten and encourage debate/discussion on the pressing issues at this time. In saying that, it is my dream and desire to create a space that encourages innovative and forward thinking, that addresses some of the problems we face today. A place to formulate Vision and Action.
In traveling across this country I have found that we all want the same basic things despite our differences. These things are access to family wage jobs, healthcare, good education for our children, safe communities and some security for our later years. Sounds like a no-brainer but the fact is, we can't agree on how to acheive these things.
We have an unresponsive government that has been co-opted by corporations and the well- monied. We have a "Mainstream" Corporate Media that is under no obligation legally to be truthful or inform us to the pros and cons of any topic of their choosing. In some instances they have gone so far as to be political and/or corporate mouth pieces all the while claiming the moniker of mainstream. We know we have serious problems and we continue to allow them to tell us what we should be concerned about. We allow them to identify what is the cause (namely you or me). And look to them for the answers. Of late that has been more tax cuts for the wealthy, bigger military budgets, and less spending on infra-structure, education, healthcare and end of life security. Can you see the problem?
In light of the previous paragraphs, I am devoting myself to bringing people together, despite our differences, to work on formulating Ideas with Vision, creating Examples of what that Vison looks like and developing Action Plans on how to get there. As you can see, I believe having Vision matters. Not a vision that begins and ends each election cycle, but a Vision that stretches 30,40 and 50 years down the road. Let us dream of the future of our great-grandchildren's children.