Please Note: These are only my opinions. Although, I have had thoughts on this very process for many years. Finding like/not like minded people to have this discussion with has been difficult if not impossible. I will keep trying. This list is a work in progress so check back for updates. (Input greatly appreciated) We will have a better world.
At this point in time I think we keep doing what we are and expanding from there. Simple? Yeah, Right. lol
Here's a short list: 2 items for now.
1) Building Relationships:
We must stay out there. Protesting, marching, disseminating information, making videos. Post online and creating web sites where we can direct interested persons. This is how we get the message out. I would like to make a proposal that we take to doing informational marches thru neighborhoods. Do family events at local community centers and parks. There are many avenues to be taken in this area. Mainly, because each community is different. I believe that the image of inclusivity is of the utmost import to moving forward. We must be able to communicate the fact that we are ALL impacted in quite similar ways.
This type of outreach also applies to the business community. We can go along way in building these relationships. They are being locked out of the game. I drive across this country and have seen all the boarded up store fronts. Empty strip malls. It is actually quite telling that the "Big Box" stores are growing and the mom and pop shops are folding up all over. We can show them how we can support them and educate the larger community the importance of supporting the local and boycotting the "Big Box". This type of take over is happening in many industries. We can have a huge influence by choosing who we support and why and communicating this. We still can determine were we put our dollars.
Just a thought. Timebanking? This is happening in parts of the country and sounds like it is a very useful tool where it's being used. Worth looking into and see how it can be created to suit your community.
2) Elections:
At this time, I don't think we have many options for this 2012 election. We should pursue the local, state and federal and vote. Presidential is kind of a done deal. We should still vote. Our larger impacts will be at the lower offices. We could go along way in identifing, and urging to run, those that will be in full support of the peoples concerns. They can prove themselves by working to undo the damage done within states and cities that have tied hands of citizens to vote, organize, free speech and assembly issues, reign in corporations that exploit and pollute the environment, workers, communities thru unreasonable tax deals, creating burdens to communities, etc.. There is much work to do here in order to make lasting the change we are seeking. Being active is the most important and vote. Sitting out is not an option. P.S. Term limits are not the answer. I don't want to hear it. My term limit is my vote. Soooo, get off your butt and vote.
Just a note: "We The People" are the government. We have power thru our numbers. We exercise our power in three constitutional ways. Elections, Assembly, Free Speech. So, in saying that, vote in the ballot box and with your dollars. Assemble when ever and where ever you want. Speak truth to power and anyone else that will listen. #OccupyEverything