Tuesday, August 9, 2011 at 12:43pm
The corporate elite have a strangle hold on our way of life. Our political process has been choked into submission. Our courts have been transformed into judicial yes me men and women slamming out legal pronouncements of approval to the subversion of our laws and threatening our Constitution. The very law of the land. One such pronouncement declared Corporations are people and now people are property, thus turning the Bill of Rights on its head.
They have turned our whole way of life on its head. They have used their money to influence politicians to remove barriers to monopoly, moving their money and our jobs off shore. Their power and influence and now their control has been on a constant march. We have observed them in action in other countries turning them on their heads. But that was not in America. They would never do that to us. We are all Americans and they are American companies.
And now here we are. Aspiring to our American dream we found it in our better natures to elect the first black President. Great or not, it was a monnumentus feat. But that has also hastened the march of these capitalistic preditors. There is never enough for the glutonous, greedy and power hungry. They have raised the ante significantly out of fear of seeing so many of us come together in a common cause and overwelmingly voting this man into office.
Their domination of the media transmits a constant drumbeat of truth twisting reporting. Arguements for or against laced with misrepresentations and sometimes outright lies. And when all else fails, they toss in the racial undertones and overtones. They push that fear button on the uninformed, misinformed, racist, biggoted and unbalanced segment of the population. They may not be many but they are loud. And they do have favor of the breaking news whores whom offer them a mic. And those very personalities purport them to be the voice of the average American. They are not. We, as Americans, are not that far apart. They would like us to be separated by eons but I have found for the most part we are not.
We all have the same dream for our country, our children and our futures. We all want safe communities, with good schools, services and infrastructure. We all want to work hard for a good wage. We don't want to be wage slaves. Just think about it.
How can we end this nightmare and restore our American dream? The answer is right under our noses. Coming together for a common purpose. Our power is in our numbers and we can express that power thru voting, boycotting and demonstrations. A very famous person once declared, "We must all hang together or we will surely hang separately".