Doing what we must.....
I think we can all agree that this 2012 election we must do what we must given the current state of the entire process. We pretty much have a choice of 2 candidates for the high office of President. We also have 3rd and 4th party candidates that have not received much acknowledgement from corporate media and stand no chance of "winning". I do know that in the current framework of elections being what they are, we have a lot of work to do. I believe that voting for a 3rd and 4th party can be effective for all down ballot races which is where the actual power and change can be had. For this reason I am advising that we put in all effort to electing these individuals to their respective positions. We must fill in the base in order to effect real change. This means city, county, state and federal. The head will follow where the body leads. Of course, I am not saying that it is not wise to vote for 3rd and 4th for President. It does depend on your state. If you are in a so called "swing state", then you should choose from the 2 headliners. If your state is solidly one way or the other, the 3rd or 4th is perfectly acceptable. More power to you. These are signal votes designed to get attention. As well they should and will. Happy voting.......
Getting where we want to be......
With out choosing sides, where we want to be is where "our voice" is heard. I have my own definite political persuasion. I also have common sense. Why would someone vote against their own interests? This baffles my mind. I cannot imagine my fellow citizens being so ignorant, stupid or just plain crazy. I think, for instance, if the problem is thirsty people, you don't outlaw water and criminalize people for being thirsty. You may find other means to curb that thirst and work on ways to acquiring enough water for all.
Or......... If my family and friends never acquired a taste for color, (we like it all monochrome) therefore we decide to force our personal taste on others by making ours the only legal personal taste. What the hell is that. What happens at the micro level, ie: your home, is your domain and your business. What happens at the macro level, ie: your country, is all our business.We live in the here and now. Not some warped and far removed perspective of a distant and not so distant past.
Getting back on topic, we must do the ground work. Laying the foundation for our voices to be heard and our will as "We The People" to be fulfilled. This is a nation of many. A melting pot, so to speak. The "general welfare" is the federal responsibility. This is the entire meaning of "United States". We are separated as states and united for the security and general welfare of the whole. Some of my fellow citizens have need to remember this fact. And in choosing representatives to send to DC, we should be choosing those that have a vision further out than the next election cycle. We need the 50yr plan. We need people that speak of solving problems with communication and facts. Having a far reaching vision is what built this country. There are no easy paths. It is in deciding to choose that we discover who we are and what we are capable of becoming. Let us, "We The People" make that choice toward a 50 or 100yr plan and quit settling for the short sighted. Live as though we have a future. Not act and react as though the end is at hand. What future will that be for our children and future generations if "we" are so short sighted? Meanwhile, keep participating and vote. We can make it work from the inside and out.