Friday, February 22, 2013

Feds vent about budget cuts on new message board

Feds vent about budget cuts on new message board
 I find it telling that the national dialog has sunk to such a low level that a publication of national relevance finds it's self not filtering out these thinly and not so thinly veiled racist and hateful comments. The fact that we celebrate this ignorance on various reality TV shows and give, what was once considered wacko and insane, voice and platform to these bigots, racists and extreme radicals is sad and an embarrassment. I do think we are in a race to the bottom and we, as a nation, are winning. As a matter of fact, I first realized something was terribly wrong when we started rewarding ex-felons and disgraced public officials with radio programs and spots on the evening news to inform of us of some truth in their expert opinion. I'm just waiting for the day when just one of you in the 4th estate will step out of your comfort zone and declare yourself a beacon of integrity and speak truth to the obvious. Just Sayin...........