To Whom It May Concern
I'm mad as hell and I'm never gonna get over it. I'm not sure how long I'll be angry but I do know that I am not gonna be silent. I do know I'm not going away. I do know that nothing is ever gonna be the same. And now, in the aftermath of an f----- up election, we have at best elected a fascist and at worst a Hitler in the making. He is surrounding himself with right wing religious zealots wishing for me to observe their particular religious perspective as if theirs is the only way and white supremacists with their ultimate goal of driving away and out of the country ALL that aren't like them as if they were pure or perfect in any way. And then there are the Power Mongers of wealth, business and politics that have courted and created this shit storm. These Power Mongers have completely undermined most of the things that made "America " the best place in the world. They have destroyed the people's trust and belief in the fundamentals of government, the press and the constitution. But the thing that has me really pissed is the very people we elect to represent us have been repeatedly saying to us when we have had this or that concern is not to overreact. You're being to sensitive. Everything is just fine. You don't see the big picture. REALLY? REALLY F---ING REALLY?!?!? What the hell happened? Is this just another case of the people that are supposed to be the "professionals" could never have seen this coming? Are you kidding me? Is a college degree a license to be a complete fail. Most days I feel like I'm functioning on a parallel universe. I must say that I'm a little more than concerned because I am now being asked to accept and normalize people, policies and behavior that I was taught we could never tolerate again. We went to war and freed people that had atrocities put upon them. They were the scapegoats for all the economic, political and social ills. And we said never again. And there were trials and convictions and judgments because we said never again. America was the model for free, fair and democratic. Now? What the hell have we become? Free people want nothing to do with our country. We are viewed as a shadow of ourselves. Liars. Cheats. No care for our neighbors except what we can gain. We don't even teach our young what civil responsibility we have for each other and our communities. We have an entire segment of our population that are continually beat down economically and the very people responsible have been allowed to coral and feed them a steady diet of misinformation (lies) and then just point their finger at some completely innocent population and say "it's them" and they believe it and then proceed to go after them with such venom and hate that only deep fear of the unknown could muster. To Whom It May Concern
Things do not have to be this way. We could stop this crazy train. We could have representatives and leadership that is willing to put it on the line. Be gut honest with us and tell us the truth. Tell it like it is. It seems as though we have just two factions in Washington. Those that would exploit and enslave us and those that make that possible. Where are the people's people? Where are those that rise against hate, exploitation, fascism? Where are those who stand for truth, integrity, ethics and a morality that stands for all. When you are dealing with the most dishonest, lying and corrupt then some of the standards and protocols must be set aside. I was born in 1960 so I have been around for a bit and have seen a little. What I see now is unrecognizable. What I hear now shatters my sense of decency. What I am witnessing is giving me nightmares. What I am experiencing is destroying my dreams.
Finally, all I can say is representatives represent and leadership lead. We can not go down this path silent. I am but one of many that feel this very same way. I fear for all of our futures. We are in stunned silence. We are in shock and disbelief. We are awakening to our nightmare and we are not going to remain silent and well behaved. Rise up to the occasion and show us your integrity. Give us some truth.
Mad As Hell!