If not now, WHEN???
When is enough, enough? How long do we wait? IS impeachment the correct course or just wait in antisipation of an electorial upset to unseat this "Reality TV" Presidency. Are WE as a Nation just the natural offspring of the Wal-martinization/RealityTV mediocritization of our Country? Why is being prideful in being "trash" the standard? These questions are the ones I find occupying my thoughts of late. I look around my community and see the results of this mediocrity. It's a sad state of affairs. People who have less than nothing and more than happy to watch and assist in the fall of those around them. It is something I observed when I spent time in the South. This idea of being "above your raising" as I had heard in regards to those who sought to improve their lot in life through higher education or just moving to a part of the country where employment and educational opportunities are vast and stand to change theirs and their childrens futures for the better. These ideas have been like a virus, infecting and affecting people coast to coast. This has lead to Paralysis!
In closing I would like to say, expand your bubble. Expand your childrens bubble. And lastly,
Beware of those that seek to devide us. YOU deserve better. WE deserve better.
This Paralysis has lead to our collective inability to move forward and, if anything, as a collective we have been moving in reverse. Devolving into a mass of separate tribes argueing and fighting amongst ourselves. We have become so small minded that we tend to go in circles instead of progressing forward as a connected people. As a result we have allowed ourselves to elect and be lead by people we are more concerned with having a beer with than the calliber of person needed to have the sense to know when they don't know and seek out the people who do. And worse, we sit and watch the demonization of those smart enough to know when they don't know. What is this? Jealousy? Insecurity? Or some kind of propaganda? I tend to believe the latter. We have recently learned of the coordinated efforts of those that have gained great benefit from manipulating the public mind. It matters not if it's Russia, China, N.Korea or Americans in this effort to propagandize us. The fact it is happeniing at all and the perpatrators are not only succeding but getting away with this manipulation is what is UN-American. Not your brown neighbor. Not the lesbian couple down the street. Not the muslim, jewish or non-religious. It is those that propagandize and mislead you with lies and half truths that are doing this to you. They are the ones whom have gained mightily. Not your neighbor whom in all probability has less that you. Just think about that for a moment......
Who is flourishing in this environment? Not you or me. Just think about it.
So, where do we go from here? Number 1 first step is to get out of your bubble. LISTEN, WATCH, READ!!! Listen to various voices. ie: radio, news, community forums. Watch various news and documentary sources. Read different publications. ie: newspapers, books.
Caution: I must give a caution here because we have thrown out our critical thinking capabilities. In pointing this out balance your pro and con sources on an individual subject. This is critical in coming to an educated stand on any issue. It matters not that you may concider yourself conservative or liberal. Red or blue. Republican or Democratic. What matters is your ability to discern B.S.. I have faith in my fellow citizens. In stating my faith in my fellow Americans I am going to end this with this last section about myself in hopes of you having a better understanding of where I'm coming from and know my optimizm and faith comes from an honest and sincere place. It does.
I'm a former truck driver of roughly 25 years. I was born and raised on the west coast and never traveled until I started driving trucks. I managed to make 47 of 48 continuous continental states. What a blessing. Most of this cross country time was the last half of my career and mainly east of the Mississippi River. And may I say I learned a whole hell of alot. I learned how we all live in our bubbles. Good or bad. I also learned that regardless of that fact, we all want the same basic things. Primarily, the ability to provide for our families with a roof over our heads, food on the table, safe communities, safe schools with high educational opprtunities, good and secure jobs and health care when we fall ill or injured. This is true across our country and I might hazard to say around the globe. Some people I have had converstions with have exclaimed I must be a conservative and I have had to disappoint with a resounding NO! I have always concidered myself a social liberal and fiscal conservative and I feel that most of us fall in this lane.In closing I would like to say, expand your bubble. Expand your childrens bubble. And lastly,
Beware of those that seek to devide us. YOU deserve better. WE deserve better.