Monday, March 11, 2013

A Simple Arguement For Single Payer Healthcare

To start with, I understand fully why President Obama could not entertain the thought of pushing a single payer plan. The economy was spiraling out of control and frankly, single payer would have thrown a lot of insurance industry, medical coding workers and others right out of work. That would have been a short term disaster. We are talking short term though. In the long term, it may not have been what the doctor ordered. In my thinking on the subject, we could have done as much to stabilize the industry by pushing through some regulation to reign in the price gouging. Also, I think the damage done by having this debate at that time has hindered negotiating on other pressing issues and cost us the 2010 congressional elections and allowed the entry of members that have the negotiating ability of a firing squad in circle. Their answer to everything is "Hell No".

Here are some facts that are easy to see and understand if you can take a step back from the distortion rumor mill. Here we go.

#1 Make a list of all the different ways you pay for medical insurance and the estimated costs. This should not be to
difficult. Here are just a few. Health insurance premium through your job. There is what you pay but also what your employer
pays for you. Also, you have deductibles,co-pays and you percentage of cost of care. Usually 20%-50% depending on if that
care is provided by a preferred provider or not. When considering this list, think of all of the ways as described above.
Health Insurance
Auto Insurance
Home Owners Ins
Renters Ins
Business Ins

#2 Now consider some other ways that we all pay. Every business carries liability insurance of some sort. We all pay for this in
higher pricing on goods and services. These are added costs when you have a contractor do work for you. When you go to a
doctor which can be considerable depending on their specialty. Added to the cost of every item you purchase at a store in
case you slip on a wet floor or trip and fall on a step. Every hamburger purchased at the drive thru in case you spill that
hot cup of coffee in your lap. And this brings me to #3. The lawsuit.

#3 We have also created an entire industry whose sole purpose is to bring lawsuits to cover these medical costs/losses because
the insurance industry has attorneys on retainer to try make sure their insured is not liable and there fore not cover these
injuries. And you must include the cost to all of us again in the cost of operating these courts so these cases can be heard.
I won't even get into the whole pain and suffering that is recovered when these cases are won.

#4 The cost of consuming/exposure to harmful additives and chemicals. This is precisely why the corporations fight anything
other than the status quo. If we had a single payer system, it would be so much easier to spot things such as cancer
clusters and determine the cause and thus find real ways to protect the people (you and your children) from these abuses.
This would create a real free market. We could decide with real information if we want to participate with a company that
chose profits over the lives of those who have put their trust in them.

I think you can see why there is a strong argument for a single payer system. And the bonus here is we already have that basic system in place. It is called Medicare. Sure it needs to be tuned up to cover everyone but the structure is in place. Just something to think about. Bonus - Maybe we could roll up the VA system to. Hmmmmm Sounds like a win win.